Friday, April 08, 2005

Blogger Frustration

I've been trying to post for several days now and finally gave up because of all the Blogger glitches. Things seem to be working again so here goes nothing.

I returned late Monday night from the SCMS conference in London, England. I totally enjoyed the conference and tootling around London, though I was completely exhausted by the time I returned home. In fact, less than 24 hours later I came down with a a nasty cold and I'm still fighting with it now. That's particularly annoying given that I have tons of work to catch up on and it's pretty difficult to stay focused with a fever, headache, and the sniffles. Ah well. It's a small price to pay for having the opportunity to visit both London and San Francisco within the span of four weeks.

My trip to London consisted of a lot of conference going--in other words, sitting in rooms listening to people deliver papers on various films and topics in film studies. Not everyone's cup of tea, I know. I enjoyed it, however. I heard some great papers, got some solid feedback on my own work, met some interesting people, and ended most conference-going days in pubs where we drank way too much beer. I also took some time off to explore the sites while I was there, though most of the places I visited were fairly standard, beaten path places. I went on a long walk down to the Tate Modern where I visited most of the museum, including the Joseph Beuys Exhibit. I also went on a tour of Shakespeare's Globe and walked along the boardwalk by the Thames. I also walked across London Bridge, visited the Tower of London, and browsed the Borough, Spittlefields and Brick Lane markets. I ate some very tasty British goat cheese and bread at the Borough Market and had lunch with my friend Aubrey at this little spot along Brick Lane where there are food shops, some swanky clothing stores, etc. I also went out on the town with a friend of mine from New York City who's from London. We went to a comedy club with some of his work friends and then went for drinks and Japanese food in the Leicester Square area.

I'll post some photos from the trip in a few days. I haven't taken the time to download them yet. Perhaps once the fever breaks!


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