Friday, May 13, 2005

Bush and Film Censorship

So, you all should check out this post from Film Brain's website about the latest attempts by Bush and his cronies to act in the "moral" best interest of the American nation. About two weeks ago, Bush signed the Family Entertainment and Copyright Act (FECA), which filmbrain describes as "a nefarious and sneaky little document that includes a possibly dangerous precedent about the legality of altering a film." It allows companies to distribute altered versions of films that comply with the moral standards of the FECA, without approval or authorization from the filmmaker. By making them exempt from trademark infringement, this bill allows them to distribute versions of Schindler's List in which all references to Shindler's extramarital affairs are removed, or delete from The Spongebob Squarepants Movie a scene in which a male starfish sings and dances while wearing high heels, because it promotes a homosexual lifestyle. Take a look at his site, if not for his rant about this bill, then for his engaging film critiques and his challenging "screen capture" quizzes. I've not yet been brave enough to pit myself against his crazy-knowledgeable quiz takers, but perhaps I'll give it a try one of these days.

Distance: 3 miles
Time: 26 minutes
Location: outdoor track
Weather: Cool and dry
General Observations: a relatively easy run. completed 7 max heartrate runs up the hill toward Su B. Hall after the run


At 1:08 AM, Blogger Casey said...

Hi, ADM! I'm really sorry that I've been relatively unresponsive lately. Only recently have I been coming back to the land of the living. My final project of the term is done as of the end of the weekend.

But about this post: Tinky Winky and now this?!

Talk to you soon!

At 8:55 AM, Blogger AD Miller said...

No Worries TC! I was just so glad to stumble upon you and would love to hear from you! That's the beauty of bloggin though--let's me get updated on your life. I'm glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. I wasn't nearly as sick as you but I got hit with a horrible flu that lasted for just over three weeks! Brutal

At 9:37 AM, Blogger Stuart Boon said...

It seems like all of my friends in Canada and the US have been hit by this flu! What's going on over there? Are you people not taking good care of yourselves? Well, I am glad that both of you are feeling better, and I am sure that you'll get your stamina back up and hopefully get into the NY marathon next year, ADM!


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