Saturday, June 04, 2005

Written by Monkeys. Monkeys, I Tell You

I posted this response on a friend's blog but thought I'd also add it here so that more people can hear me rant about the final installment in the the Star Wars prequels. Last night, Aviva and I finally got a chance to see Revenge of The Sith. As countless other viewers have noted, the acting was often more wooden than Pinocchio, the plot tied up all the lose ends like a Christmas package wrapped by Macy's, the love scenes were more sacrine than a Hallmark movie, and the only female character was reduced to a doe-eyed and helpless waif. And yet, even after that diatribe I am willing to admit that I enjoyed the film. I didn't expect it to be a good film. I didn't expect the acting or script to inspire talk of Oscars and Golden Globes. I expected a fun, mindless ride that paralells a journey on the Coney Island Cyclone. And that's exactly what I got: spectacle, a sense of closure, lovely costumes, spectacular digitial animation, and a satisfiying final battle. Even so, one must question Lucas's decision to hire monkeys to write the script. I mean, really, the wookies and R2D2 had the best lines in the entire film.


At 11:21 AM, Blogger Stuart Boon said...

I agree completely about the writing. Let's face it, George is brilliant at somethings, but at love scenes, or (ahem) much of dialogue in general, is rather lacking. And, yes, that might be putting it mildly. But for me it was all about spectacle. And spectacle was what I got.

At 5:05 AM, Blogger AD Miller said...

I totally enjoyed it in all its ridiculous spectacle too. I just wish Hollywood would pay more attention to writing. sigh.


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