Tuesday, May 24, 2005

What is Going to Happen to Delia?

Several days ago, Turtlechild posted a meme that originated on librarychick's blog, which gives the following instructions:

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog, along with these instructions.

I've been wanting to try this out for the past several days but I always found myself blogging in a spot where no books were to be found. Really. Like in the middle of my living room while all my books are upstairs in the study, and I knew my selection would hardly be spontaneous if I went upstairs to choose one. Or in the college Writing Center where the only books are composition and rhetoric manuals and I just didn't have the heart to quote grammar and syntax rules on my blog. Anyway, I'm about to leaf through the copy of Janet Flanner's The Cubicle City that I received from ebay and I decided to first check in on a few of my friends' blogs. In doing so, I remembered the meme and thought I'd finally make my contribution. The obscurity of the text makes it seem like I'm cheating but I'm not. It's actually not the most interesting text to quote due to the extensive dialogue that makes little sense when taken out of context. Though this one might leave my readers wondering: What is going to happen to Delia? I'll keep you posted.

"I wasted my breath, wasted my wind." He took out his handkerchief and dried his face, calming and cooling his flesh. "I tried to save you. What's going to happen to you, Delia?"


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