Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Grillin n' Chillin

So today Aviva and I went out and bought a grill in anticipation of a little weekend BBQ. Given that we'd already gone ahead and sent out the invitation to about twenty people, we figured it was wise to actually purchase the paraphernalia we'd need for grilling. After considering a rather swank-but-expensive gas grill, we decided on a rather low-tech charcoal kettle grill for $39.95. Hey, all the grill masters use charcoal. I will admit that I was the one looking longing at the gas grill. I love the ease of turning on a switch and having the grill ready in minutes. But Aviva rightfully pointed out that we probably won't be grilling often enough to justify a $120 grill. We also bought the tools for basting, flipping, fire starting, and a little "chimney" to help get the coals started, which should be helpful as that's always been my beef (so to speak) with charcoal grills. They can be a real pain to start and I hate pouring lighter fluid all over the surface upon which I will be placing my food stuffs. So, we are going to test-run the thing on Friday, perhaps with some Boca burgers and some shrimp. We'll save the big guns for Saturday. Now, let's hope the weather cooperates. It's supposed to by sunny and relatively warm--in the low 70s. I'll have to dig out the camera and take a few pictures of the first barbeque of the season.

I also got a belated-but-lovely birthday package from my aunts today and I was so pleased. They somehow manage to find me the best pants, which I can never do even after trying on twenty different styles in three different sizes. Perhaps I overthink the decision! They also gave me a nice white shirt made out of "coolmax" fabric, a fancy water bottle, and some Canadian socks. It's funny how I get all these "proud to be Canadian" gifts now that I'm living in the U.S. They know I like to show my Canadian pride now and then, particularly after the last U.S. election. I'm thinking the shirt and pants will be perfect for our impending trip to La Palma. Which reminds me, I have a million things to do before then!


At 6:04 AM, Blogger Stuart Boon said...

Hmm. I don't get 'proud to be Canadian' gear now that I'm in the UK. What am I doing wrong? Although, I still find it accutely embarrassing to be walking down the street or in an airport with Canadian tourists invariably all decked out in red and white with a maple leaf on every exposed surface. I don't know whether to laugh or cry... both maybe?

At 10:56 AM, Blogger AD Miller said...

Yeah. The subtle pride of a pair of ankle socks are about as far as I'm going to take it. There's another student in my program that takes every opportunity to advertise her Canadian status and, I must admit, I find it a bit obnoxioius.

At 4:18 AM, Blogger Stuart Boon said...

Seriously, sometimes you can see them coming for a mile. I was in Heathrow a while back and this old couple were almost glowing in the flourescent lighting. EEEK!

At 6:25 PM, Blogger Casey said...

I was in Kyoto, Japan admiring the view off the 'balcony' at Kiyomizu Temple. And the Red-and-White Machine came tromping along in full Eddie Bauer plaid and poor hygiene. And the fucking maple leaf patches all over their backpacks. An old Japanese man looked at me while I took in the wake of these Canucks, and I gestured to myself and said to the old man (who I'm sure had lived through the war): Amerika-jin da. It was the safest thing to say.


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