Friday, May 20, 2005

Feeling Mellon Collie

Ever have one of those days when it just feels like one really tiny, annoying thing after another goes wrong until it all snowballs and begins to feel like a giant conspiracy? You get impatient, snappy, sad, and frustrated. If you're a woman, you'll start blaming hormones and be convinced you've turned into one of those women on the commercials who's suffering from "Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder" (PMDD). And even though I know that PMDD is really just a fabricated "illness" to help drug companies re-patent and profit from obsolete drugs like valium whose patents have run out, I begin to wonder if maybe the drug companies are right. How else does one explain this complete explosion of emotion, ranging from total sadness to profound frustration? Regardless, you'll eventually find yourself thinking how stupid it is to be so frustrated and pissed off about all these stupid things, though knowing this won't stop the onslaught of emotions. Well, I'm having one of those days. My writing was frustrating the hell out of me today as I worked all day and only managed to squeeze out about two pages of rather insipid text. I had a million errands to run and none of them got accomplished because unexpected obligations got in the way. I had to contend with several really ridiculous and incompetent drivers while I tried to get my various errands done. Sigh. On days like this, I call myself a "mellon collie," but luckily I know the feeling well enough to realize it'll be more-or-less resolved by tomorrow!

On a good note, Aviva and I put together the grill without incident. We didn't throw tools at each other, no one was cut, scratched, or impaled, and only mild signs of impatience arose from either of use. And best of all, we didn't finish with either too few parts, or parts left over. I would call it a success. Actually, we usually work well on that sort of stuff. She's a stickler for details and always follows the directions to the letter, which prevents me from skipping an important step or throwing away an important "extra" screw. Now, we'll see if we can manage to cook for our friends without burning the burgers. Or Boca burgers.


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