Tuesday, June 27, 2006

26.2 Miles and $2,800. Can I do it?

Last week, I signed up to participate in the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training. In addition to completing the necessary physical training, I must also raise a whole heck of a lot of money: $2,800. I'm a bit intimidated by that rather large fundraising goal, but I'm determined to give it my best shot. For those of you who haven't already received my pleading emails, you can check out my training and fundraising progress here. If you'd like to keep track of my training, you can do so here, a new blog I've created to track my progress. I'lll use it to log my miles and describe the specifics of each run. It won't be particularly interesting to anyone else, but experienced runners say it's wise to keep a running diary. It helps you keep a more accurate record of the miles logged, the surface you run on, your speed, weather conditions, and how your body feels after each run. The theory being that such a detailed record can help you prevent overdoing the training or injuring yourself.

And I promise I'll fnish updating my recent travel adventures in the next few days. There are plenty of exciting photos from London and the Queen Mary 2 that I'm anxious to share with you all.


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