Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Pro-Lifers: Masters of Grotesque Campaign Imagery

In the past, prolifers have used images of "butchered" foetuses and inflammatory videos like The Silent Scream to protest against organizations that offer abortions. Last week, they resorted to even more grotesque imagery when a Brooklyn pro-life organization unveiled what it's calling the first ever monument to "birth." And who do they use as a model for such a monument? Britney Spears. I kid you not. And not just any image of the pop idol, but a nude Britney on a bear skin rug. The press release claims the statue "celebrates the recent birth of Spears' baby boy, Sean, and applauds her decision to place family before career. Says gallery co-director, Lincoln Capla, "a superstar at Britney's young age having a child is rare in today's celebrity culture. This dedication honors Britney for the rarity of her choice and bravery of her decision." Funny how they make no mention of Britney's total disregard for her baby's safety when driving. I guess that story can be used to inspire artwork to promote the American Family Institute's campaign for child safety and the preservation of traditional "family values."

This has got to be a joke. Right? Right?

If you'd like to read more about this fine work of art, check out this article at the Defamer.


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