Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Road Trip

On Sunday morning, we left for a short, adventure-packed trip to Washington, D.C. and Charlottesville, Virginia. The plan was to stay at Aviva's parents' house in Charlottesville and spend a day in D.C. exploring a few museums and other Capital attractions. The trip to Charlottesville was uneventful, albeit long. We stopped in Corning to pick up our flowers (they had to spend a day in a cooling oven to ensure the glass wouldn't crack), which turned out much better than we expected. After we'd made them on Friday, they' whisked them away quickly--before we'd really had a chance to see how they looked. You can see the results in the following photos. In photo one, the artists are, from left to right, April, Aviva, and Dianne. In the background of the first picture you can also see my new favorite possession: my "smush Bush" doll. I bought it at this store in Charlottesville and I'm sure it will help me relieve stress as the summer winds down and I try to get some more writing done.

The day after we arrived in Charlottesville, we went to D.C., where we visited the Hirschorn Museum and the Holocaust Museum. We also wandered around the mall and walked past many other sites. Although our time in D.C. was short, we managed to see quite a bit of the city--and we ended our day by feasting on seafood at Phillip's Flagship restaurant where I ate enough snow crab legs to feed a small army. Yummy.

Unfortunately, on our way home from D.C. we encountered heavy rains and Aviva's car, affectionately known as "Alex," suffered some sort of mechanical breakdown. As far as we can tell, some part of the car's exhaust system was knocked loose by all the rain. As a result, the car began to make this horrible noise and suddenly it sounded like we were driving a small prop plane. In the end, we rented a car for the return trip and abandoned Aviva's car in Virginia.

We also stopped at one of the pre-requisite panoramic viewpoints to catch a glimpse of the blue ridge mountains.


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