Sunday, August 21, 2005

Digging Through the Family Photos

As many of my friends and family know, my grandmother moved from New Brunswick to Alberta last summer shortly after she was diagnosed with Leiomyosarcoma, a rare form of cancer that affects soft tissue areas of the body such as the lungs, liver and blood vessels. Although she's definitely done much better than the doctors expected, it's been a tough year for my parents and my grandmother. On Friday, my mother emailed me two really great photos of my grandmother and grandfather and I thought I'd share them. The first one of my grandmother, Mary (Mollie) Miller, was taken while she was playing catch with my father.

The second one is of my grandfather, Eldon Miller, taken in 1942 when he fought in the second World War. He is the one in the foreground; the man standing next to him is Jimmie Stevenson.

I've not seen many pictures of my grandfather from when he was young, most of the available photos seem to be from when I was a kid or teenager, and it was quite a surprise to see what he looked like at the age of about 25. They obviously weren't real picture takers because I've not seen many pictures of my father from when he was a kid either--though a few months ago, my mother did send me one of my father's class photos. He's in the back row, third from the left. I can see quite a resemblance between father and son from looking at these photos.


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