Sunday, September 04, 2005

Running Playlist

I've been having fun with my ipod smart playlist lately, using it to search my music collection by key-word. I've used this method to construct a couple of running playlists to help me get through some of my long runs. I don't run with music all the time because I find that listening to the world around me and listening to my own body is often more important. However, I like to bring my ipod along when weather or time constraints force me to run on the track or treadmill. I also use it for portions of my weekly long run when I feel like I need a bit of a motivational boost. Yesterday, I ran for about 13 miles, which took me just under 2 hours, and my long run playlist only has about 1.35 hours worth of music on it. So I'm looking for songs to add to the list. This list was devised by searching for songs with words like distance, miles, running, etc. I also selected a few songs just because they are motivating. For some reason, Moby and Cake ended up appearing more than once because they seem to have a propensity for songs about racing and other appropriate activities. I've selected"My Pal the Tortoise" as my personal theme song because never seem to get any faster no matter how much I train/run. Sigh. These tunes are all fairly slow-paced because I need to keep it mellow in order to get in enough mileage without hitting the proverbial wall. For my shorter runs, I've constructed a much more high-paced playlist. Here's what I've come up with so far for those longer treks:

Cake: "The Distance"
The Thinking Fellers Union: "My Pal the Tortoise."
Moby: "Southside."
PJ Harvey: "Big Exit."
Guided by Voices: "Motor Away."
Indigo Girls: "Go."
Ian Simmonds: "Theme to the Last Puma."
Cake: "Satan is My Motor."
Eddie Kendricks: "Keep on Truckin'"
Moby: "Run On."
Cake: "Never There."
PJ Harvey: "Highway 61 Revisited."
Moby: "Rushing."
Jimmy Cliff: "You Can Get It If You Really Want."
Catie Curtis: "100 Miles."
Leona Naess: "Chase."
Willie Nelson: "Midnight Rider."

Suggestions would be most welcome.


At 5:07 PM, Blogger Michele said...

A half-marathon in under two hours? That's brilliant! I am years from having that kind of speed. Have you tried fartlek? I am just starting but have a long way to go.

I have come to rely on my iPod to keep my concentration and determination up while running when otherwise my tired body might get the better of my mind and just insist that I fall down. (I only run on a treadmill because I don't live in the safest neighbourhood.) I use fast beats and driving guitars to keep me going, so the music might not be your sort of thing, but here are some of my running faves:

Life is a Highway - Tom Cochrane
Sk8er Boi - Avril Lavigne (really gives me a boost)
Poprocks and Coke - Green Day
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
Flawless - George Michael
Bubble Pop Electric - Gwen Stefani (another kicker)
The Boys of Summer - The Ataris (pure speed)
Your Life is Now - John Mellencamp (actually mellow, but fits with the whole philosophy of running - being in the moment)
I just wish The Ataris would do a cover of Born to Run complete with speed guitar. The mellow original might be good for your long runs, though!

At 6:46 PM, Blogger AD Miller said...

Well, thanks but I still think of myseslf as the tortoise when I compare my progress to other runners I know. I'm running a 1/2 marathon here in Rochester with two friends of mine next week and I'm sure they'll kick my btt. I keep plodding away at my 9:30/miles and perhaps I'll get that marathon under my belt someday. I'm so excited about the new music suggestions! I think that there's plenty on that list that will be up my alley. I tend to have pretty eclectic musical tastes and I love the upbeat stuff for running shorter distances. I do fartleks in this park close to campus and the area around the track. There are some grassy hills that make for good speed tests.


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