Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Classic Dames

I couldn't resist this particular quiz, and taking it taught me a little internet quiz lesson. The first time I took it, I tried to guess what answers Bette Davis might give and ended up being Katherine Hepburn. Go figure. So, I took it again and played fair. Guess who was my "classic dame" foil? Bette Davis. What I love most about her description and mine is our total lack of class. I always think of Davis as very classy but perhaps I have a skewed notion of class!

Bette Davis
You scored 33% grit, 38% wit, 42% flair, and 2% class!

You're one smart cookie, and you know it. You also know how to let everyone else know it. You are in charge and keep everyone in line with your biting wit and cutting remarks. You're charming when you need to be, and the light sparkles behind your eyes. But when cornered, you can act, but quick, and you'll do anything necessary. You're always ready with just the right come-back, and you can be wilting. You go your own way and have your own, unique way of tackling life, which sometimes includes illegal activity. It's not a great idea to cross you; you can cut down the competition with one well-chosen line, although that's not all you have in your arsenal. Your leading mean include Errol Flynn and Paul Henreid, men who like a feisty gal.

Find out what kind of classic leading man you'd make by taking the Classic Leading Man Test

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 86% on grit

You scored higher than 77% on wit

You scored higher than 63% on flair

You scored higher than 0% on class
Link: The Classic Dames Test written by gidgetgoes


At 7:08 AM, Blogger Stuart Boon said...

Cool, cool, cool! Got to try this! I'll let you know what happens!


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