Sunday, October 15, 2006

Free This American Life Podcasts

As all my friends know, I'm a huge NPR junky. While I can't afford to make huge donations to support my local station, I do subscribe as a student member and buy the occassional podcast of NPR programs, which I listen to at the gym, while running, or while walking the dog. One of my favorite shows is This American Life (TAL), hosted by Ira Glass out of Chicago's WBEZ station. I'm not going to attempt to describe the program, because there's just no good way to convey what they do and still make it sound interesting. I suggest you just visit the site, or turn on your radio, and listen for yourself. If I'm not able to catch it live on Sunday nights, I often listen to it via streaming audio on their website. Now, they've just made it free to download the week's episode of TAL and I'm very excited. Although you still have to pay for archived episodes (they're only 95 cents), this means I can take my episode with me at no cost. Yippee! If you've never listend to the program, you must check it out. This week's episode "centers on personal recordings that one person made for just one other person."


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